Merry Christmas!!
This was such a magical Christmas, as it was Keegan's FIRST! We got to experience everything that goes with having a child and showing them the true meaning of Christmas!
Keegan did so well with Santa
! No tears were shed however no smile was given. He really didn't know what to think of him and all the people around him. But here is a memory we will forever get to keep.
Christmas 1 (Greenville, SC):
We celebrated Christmas with my brother, Amanda and Isaac early. Keegan loved getting into the wrapping paper and open his new toys! We loved being able to see them and spend some quality time together.
Christmas 2 (Our House):
My parents came to our house and we were able to celebrate Christmas with the Crawford's! This was our first year that we were at home on Christmas. It was very important to us that we were home for Christmas so we could start our own traditions as a family. :)
Mom and Dad came in Friday evening, just in time for Clint and I to go to a work Christmas Party! We got all dressed up and felt like a million bucks! We had such a blast being able to go out for a night on the town.
Our family has decided that we are going to open up one gift on Christmas Eve and that gift will be pajamas (and Keegan will get a Christmas book to read that night as well!). We will wear them to bed and wake up Christmas morning in them to open gifts.
Aren't we just a cute lookin' family :)
We then proceeded to open gifts and enjoy every minute together!
Mom and Dad had to leave on Tuesday to get ready for work the next day. We had a such a great time together and Keegan loves his Meme and Big Dawg
Christmas 3:
Wednesday morning we were OHIO bound! We decided to leaveearly because of the winter storm that was coming the path that we travel home.It normally takes us 9 hours to get there however this time it took us 12hours. We were so tired of driving by the time we got there! Nanni, Poppi andAunt Sara were so excited to see us when we got there and couldn’t believe howbig Keegan had gotten. We relaxedand enjoyed our time together until Clint couldn’t take it any longer! It wastime to open gifts! Keegan was a pro at opening gifts now but once Thomas theTrain was opened nothing else mattered. He LOVED that train. All he wanted was for us to push inround and round and round. His legs don’t quite touch so we have to push him.
We love getting up here to visit family, but this one was especially fun because there was SNOW! Keegan LOVED playing in the snow. He tried to eat it, but had mittens on so he wasn't able to

We have had an awesome time here so far. We will be leaving on Tuesday and will miss Nanni, Poppie, and Aunt Sara bunches!
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed spending time with their family and friends.
Sarah, Clint, Keegan and Bella Jones!